Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Social media 'can combine with SEO'

A new application for the iPhone is able to aggregate comments made in blogs and social networking services into one place using SEO principles, says an industry insider.
Social media can be combined with the principles of search engine optimisation (SEO) to provide consumers with an aggregated list of opinions regarding a topic, according to an industry insider.
Director of mobile strategy at iCrossing Rachel Pasqua made these comments after the company released a free product called Say What?, which allows users to monitor what is being said on social networking sites and blogs.
She remarked that the goal was to provide a "one-click" service for customers to search keywords and phrases.
The application is available to download from the iPhone App Store
Ms Pasqua explained: "iCrossing developed Say What? to demonstrate how SEO, social media and mobile can work together to provide users with information that is real-time and relevant."
This week, new media age writer Will Cooper reviewed a beta version of new social media service Google Wave and noted that it had plenty of exciting features, such as the ability to share maps and documents while chatting online.

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